Cost of deposit storage starts from PLN 50 per month!
The only Bank in Poland offering the first year of storage of umbilical cord blood included in the price of the package!
Initial fee:
after childbirth
Annual fee:
after the child reaches the age of 1
Single pregnancy
2850 PLN
600 PLN
Multiple pregnancy
2990 PLN
850 PLN
Initial fee:
after childbirth
Annual fee:
after the child reaches the age of 1
Single pregnancy
3250 PLN
890 PLN
Multiple pregnancy
3490 PLN
1280 PLN
Initial fee:
after childbirth
Annual fee:
after the child reaches the age of 1
Single pregnancy
2850 PLN
690 PLN
Multiple pregnancy
2990 PLN
890 PLN
Initial fee:
after childbirth
Annual fee:
after the child reaches the age of 1
Single pregnancy
3250 PLN
950 PLN
Multiple pregnancy
3940 PLN
1320 PLN
The PLUS OPTION is a solution which allows increasing the volume of obtained material, due to an additional placental blood collection, performed right after the umbilical cord blood collection. The amount of blood in the umbilical cord is limited and placental blood collection is the only chance to increase the available pool of stem cells. We offer this option with each package. If parents decide to use the placental blood collection, a separate medical set and collection container will be added to the standard collection kit.
We recommend the PLUS OPTION when parents want to protect the child and the closest family as fully as possible. It is possible thanks to the highest possible number of stem cells that can be obtained.
The procedure of placental blood collection is described on the Placental blood subpage.
Initial fee:
after childbirth
Annual fee:
after the child reaches the age of 1
Single pregnancy
1450 PLN
150 PLN
Multiple pregnancy
1590 PLN
250 PLN
mo, wed, fr. | 8:00 – 17:00 |
tue, thu. | 10:00 – 20:00 |
Total cost
First year
Next years
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