Cost of deposit storage starts from PLN 50 per month!
The only Bank in Poland offering the first year of storage of umbilical cord blood included in the price of the package!

Basic packages


1 cassette - 30 ml

Initial fee
after childbirth
2850 PLN 1990 PLN or 10 x 199,00 PLN

Annual fee
after the child reaches the age of 1
600 PLN 600 PLN or 12 x 50,00 PLN

Sign the contract
Standard Plus

2 cassettes- 60 ml

Initial fee
after childbirth
3250 PLN 2190 PLN or 10 x 219,00 PLN

Annual fee
after the child reaches the age of 1
890 PLN 890 PLN or 12 x 74,17 PLN

Sign the contract
Multi Regeneration

1 cassette (divided) - 30 ml

Initial fee
after childbirth
2850 PLN 1990 PLN or 10 x 199,00 PLN

Annual fee
after the child reaches the age of 1
690 PLN 690 PLN or 12 x 57,50 PLN

Sign the contract
Multi Regeneration Plus

2 cassettes (divided) - 60 ml

Initial fee
after childbirth
3250 PLN 2190 PLN or 10 x 219,00 PLN

Annual fee
after the child reaches the age of 1
950 PLN 950 PLN or 12 x 79,17 PLN

Sign the contract

Supplement to the package

Plus Option – placental blood

Option available as a supplement to one of the basic packages

Initial fee
after childbirth
1450 PLN 1450 PLN 990 PLN or 10 x 99,00 PLN

Annual fee
after the child reaches the age of 1
150 PLN 150 PLN or 12 x 12,50 PLN

* There is an option of dividing the fee into interest-free, monthly instalments.

The website is for informational purposes only. The information contained therein is not an offer within the meaning of an article 66, paragraph 1 of the Civil Code and other relevant provisions of the Civil Code and should not be used as a substitute for information available directly at nOvum Stem Cell Bank. Therefore, taking into account the nature of this website, the type of information presented on it and the specificity of its updating, nOvum sp.z o.o. is not responsible for the completeness or timeliness of information contained therein, however, it will make every effort to ensure that published information is accurate and current.

Discount for long-term storage

Step 1
Choose your package

Basic packages

Additional offer

Step 2
Enter your details



  • Initial fee 0 PLN
  • Annual fee 0 PLN
Multiple pregnancy

Total cost


First year


Next years