It is possible that the stored blood may be used for members of the closest family (child’s siblings or parents). The final decision is made after conducting a tissue compatibility tests of the donor and the recipient of cells. We can use frozen sampling probes for this test. Such additional probes are always being frozen together with the deposit, so that the primary deposit remains frozen and intact.
Umbilical cord blood which is being stored in a public bank is intended to serve other people in need. Thus, it is intended for transplantation to a person unrelated to the donor, and its owner is the state that finances its collection, testing, freezing and storage. This means that the parents and the child, from whom the blood was collected, when deciding to transfer the deposit from the family bank to the public bank, waive the right to dispose of the stored stem cells.
The contract for the collection of the child’s umbilical cord blood may be signed on behalf of the child by his/her parents or legal guardians appointed by the court. Until the child comes of age, it is them who make all decisions regarding the frozen cells. When the child reaches his/her majority, he/she becomes the administrator of the deposit.
Yes. Our bank holds the authorisation of the Minister of Health. Pursuant to the Act of 1 July 2005 on the collection, storage and transplantation of cells, tissues and organs, we were granted authorisation after an inspection at the BKM nOvum by the National Centre for Tissue and Cell Banking. Pursuant to the Act, the inspections at our bank will be carried out every 2 years.
Research on the use of stem cells is being conducted all over the world. That is why we are convinced that the upcoming years will bring new discoveries in the field of their use in regenerative medicine (regeneration of damaged cells, tissues or parts of organs). The ability of stem cells to differentiate into different types of cells and tissues (e.g. skin tissue, heart muscle, neural cell) are unique and carefully studied by scientists of various specialties. Frozen blood constitutes a valuable resource to be used in your child’s future life.
Until the child comes of age, blood may be used only with the consent and at the request of the parents or the child’s legal guardian. When the child reaches his/her majority, he/she becomes the administrator of the deposit.
If the patient, whose cells are stored in BKM nOvum, is diagnosed with a disease which can be treated with stem cells, the treating physician should be informed about the deposit. The final decision on the soundness of its use is taken by the doctor. With the consent of the parents and after completing all the formalities, the doctor contacts BKM nOvum in order to agree on the details of transport of the deposit to the place of its use.
It is possible that the stored blood may be used for members of the closest family (child’s siblings or parents). The final decision is made after conducting tissue compatibility tests of the donor and the recipient of cells. We can use frozen sampling probes for this test. Such additional probes are always being frozen together with the deposit, so that the primary deposit remains frozen and intact.
Current research confirms that the stem cells stored for twenty-five years or even longer have the same composition as at the time they were frozen. Thus, it results from the current knowledge that deposits can be stored at a temperature of -190°C for decades.
At the time of signing the contract with us, we give you a unique identification number, which can be found on all elements of the kit and documentation. What is more, the frozen cells are labelled in accordance with the ISBT128 international standard.
The ISBT 128 standard specifies the manner of identifying and labelling blood and blood components, as well as human tissues and organs. This system was developed by the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) in 1994 and approved by the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB), European Blood Alliance (EBA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Plasma Fractionators Association (EPFA). The ISBT 128 standard is managed by the International Council for Commonality in Blood Banking Automation (ICCBBA) in the USA.
The blood will be delivered to the BMK nOvum laboratory in Warsaw by our staff or a specialised courier company. The kit is designed in such a way that it maintains the correct temperature of the collected material during transport, to ensure the safety of the deposit.
Most hospitals in Poland have spare kits. In such a situation, you can use them. You need to immediately inform the BKM nOvum (tel. 605 66 80 73 – 24/7) about the delivery and collection of cord blood.
The collection of umbilical cord blood is conducted after the baby is born and after umbilical cord separation. It is collected to a sterile container containing a liquid preventing blood clotting before the blood is delivered to the laboratory. The container is part of a complete kit that you receive at BKM nOvum.
No. After signing the contract, you will receive a special kit that contains everything which is necessary to collect the child’s umbilical cord blood and to transport it to the laboratory (transport is provided by BKM nOvum). The kit should not be opened. You only need to remember to bring it to the hospital.
No! Umbilical cord blood is collected after the baby is born and after umbilical cord separation. The collection takes a few minutes and it is completely painless, easy and safe for both the mother and the newborn.
Medical staff of the hospital where your child is born which was trained by BKM nOvum. Most often it is the midwife.
No, delivery by caesarean section is not a contraindication to the collection of umbilical cord blood. The volume of blood collected after natural delivery and caesarean section is comparable.
Only in the case of medical contraindications. This decision is taken by the midwife or the doctor supervising the delivery.
Right after the baby is born and after umbilical cord separation. The method of obtaining blood is simple, painless for both the mother and the newborn, completely non-invasive and does not interfere with the course of the delivery.
The decision to freeze your child’s cord blood should be made in the 2nd/3rd trimester of pregnancy, so that the hospital staff and BKM nOvum are prepared for it on the day the baby is born. In exceptional cases, this decision can be made in the hospital right before delivery – we deliver spare blood collection kits to most hospitals. In such a situation it is necessary to agree with the midwife that the blood will be collected and ask for the BKM nOvum kit.
Umbilical cord blood stem cells are used in the treatment of numerous diseases. It is probable that along with the development of medicine, the scope of their use will become even wider. Please remember that perinatal stem cell collection can take place only once in a lifetime.
Stem cells are stored at the Stem Cell Bank nOvum in the Medical Clinic nOvum in Warsaw. Our own bank and laboratories are located in the medical clinic in rooms specially prepared for this purpose. We have access to modern equipment for freezing and storing cells, and the entire process complies with the highest global norms and standards. The operating condition of the devices and the whole building are monitored 24/7.
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